Half Birthday Celebrations
In the past, we have celebrated half birthdays with sandwiches cut in half, half filled glasses of milk, half a piece of cake, etc. In the middle of the celebration, we have also sung “Happy Birthday”, but we stopped singing halfway through the song. It's actually kind of tricky to figure out exactly where the halfway mark is in the song! :) We have some friends who celebrate their child’s half birthday by having the child pick a gift they want to give rather than receive. This summer, Seth wanted to make “blessing bags” to keep in the car to give to people who are asking for money and food on the street. As a small group, the kids assembled these bags for his half birthday with bottled water, new socks, pens, pads of paper, granola bars, etc. The kids all loved the project and it was a sweet way to celebrate Seth's half birthday. one of the notes that the girls wrote to put inside the bags