the truth about Santa
There's a brilliant, heartfelt way to tell your kids the truth about Santa. Take notes. December 9, 2016 By Robbie Couch ( Upworthy article repost ) "It's the mooost wonderful tiiiiime of the — OH NO, did Charlie just ask if Santa is real?!" — What some mom or dad is probably thinking this very moment If you're a parent in a household that celebrates Christmas, you can likely relate to the dreaded Santa Claus conversation . It may come with tears, it may come with tantrums, and it may even be worse for you , seeing that heart-wrenching look of disappointment spread across your child's once-merry face. It's a dilemma Charity Hutchinson of British Columbia has been thinking about recently, as a mom to two young boys and the two nephews she cares for as well. SHARE Photo by Theresa Easter Photography. Just a few days ago, one of Hutchinson's nephews raised the question, telling her h...