
Showing posts from June, 2017

Pentecost Benediction

Pentecost always reminds me of this favorite benediction  from our sweet church family in Knoxville at St. John's Lutheran.  "It is time to go and be His witnesses. And as we go we pray that the Lord would bless us and keep us, the Lord make his face to shine upon us and be gracious unto us. May God give us grace never to sell ourselves short, grace to risk something big for something good, grace to realize that the world is much too small for anything but love, and much too dangerous for anything but truth. And now may God take our minds and think through them, and may God take our lips and speak through them, and may God take our hearts and set them on fire. In the name of Jesus Christ who goes with us always. Amen." red decorations at UPC today to celebrate  balloons from our kitchen today to mark the day...