
Showing posts from February, 2015

another Lenten tradition

Below is another Lenten tradition that we've put into practice the last few years:  Alleluia Ribbons  We got out our "alleluia" ribbons  which are made of simple wooden dowels and colorful ribbons with “alleluia” written on the ribbons, we tucked these carefully into plastic bags and buried them for the season of Lent.   “Because of the penitential character of the season of Lent, singing or saying the word “alleluia” has historically been suspended during Lent’s forty days. This period of individual and congregational reflection on the quality of our baptismal faith and life suggests that the joyful nature of alleluia is more appropriately reserved for our Easter celebrations when it is given full and jubilant voice. An alternate gospel acclamation for Lent that omits the alleluia is provided for all settings of Holy Communion in  Evangelical Lutheran Worship . The omission of alleluia during Lent goes back at least to the...

My Favorite Lenten Tradition

Lent:  a six-week season in spring leading up to Holy Week and Easter, remembering the forty days that Israel spent in the wilderness and the forty days of Christ’s testing in the wilderness.  Lent is an Old English word that means “spring” or “season of growth or renewal.” " Whether we feel ready or not, this day (Ash Wednesday) marks the beginning of the Church’s observance of the Lenten season—six weeks that are set apart for the purpose of drawing closer to God and seeking him with greater intensity. Unfortunately, the Lenten season often gets reduced to the question, 'What are you giving up for Lent?' This is a fine question, but it can only take us so far. The real question of the Lenten season is, 'How will I repent and return to God with all my heart?' " - Ruth Haley Barton It's hard to believe that Ash Wednesday is tomorrow.  Over the weekend, we pulled out some of the things we've used over the years to mark this time of Lent.  T...

Be My Valentine

We have a Valentine tradition of writing special Valentines to each other, getting dressed up for a fun family dinner together at home, reading our Valentines out loud to one another during dessert time and then having a little dance party together in the kitchen. Since our plans for Saturday are up in the air, we celebrated our family Valentine's traditions last night.  Even though I was pretty happy in my jeans and sweatshirt while cooking dinner and I thought about us just all coming to dinner in our pajamas, I knew that the effort is worth it to take these times to stop and celebrate each other.   (And it does not take much to convince me to dress up!)  Giving thanks for this sweet family to share in these traditions year after year...  fun to pull out my grandmother's little black dress that I've worn since college!  pizza love - tomato and mozzarella for the kids and squash/kale/feta for me and Jason (cutting out the dough just like p...