another Lenten tradition
Below is another Lenten tradition that we've put into practice the last few years:
Alleluia Ribbons
We got out our "alleluia" ribbons which are made of simple wooden dowels and colorful ribbons with “alleluia” written on the ribbons, we tucked these carefully into plastic bags and buried them for the season of Lent.
“Because of the penitential character of the season of Lent, singing or saying the word “alleluia” has historically been suspended during Lent’s forty days. This period of individual and congregational reflection on the quality of our baptismal faith and life suggests that the joyful nature of alleluia is more appropriately reserved for our Easter celebrations when it is given full and jubilant voice. An alternate gospel acclamation for Lent that omits the alleluia is provided for all settings of Holy Communion in Evangelical Lutheran Worship.
The omission of alleluia during Lent goes back at least to the fifth century in the western church. The custom of actually bidding it farewell, however, developed in the Middle Ages. The hymn “Alleluia, song of gladness” (Evangelical Lutheran Worship #318) contains a translation of an 11th century Latin text that compares an alleluia-less Lent to the exile of the Israelites in Babylon. The text then anticipates the joy of Easter when glad alleluias will return in all their heavenly splendor. Along with a sung farewell to alleluia, some congregations have embraced the practice of physically “burying” the alleluia. This may take the form of actually placing a visual representation of alleluia in a hole in the ground, or of hiding it away after carrying it in procession around the church or worship space. This ritual practice is especially delightful and meaningful for children.” [i]
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