celebrating our growing girls

After I posted about my time with Anna at the Melting Pot yesterday, I got a delightful email from my friend Marcia who shared the following with me: 

"Esper and I actually just had a fun evening together the other week, not because she has started her period, but to talk about how she will be starting and the whole idea of it not being something to dread but a part of her journey and growing beauty.

My gift to her (inspired by book Keeping the Little In Your Girl) was a basket containing the following:
--feminine supplies (so we could look at and talk about how to use them and "because when it does start you won't want to wait for a trip to the store")
--a cute oilcloth pouch for her backpack, to carry feminine stuff in
--a pretty tissue box cover for her room ("because if you ever feel like crying and don't even know why...you won't be the first!")
--a bar of chocolate ("because scientifically and emotionally, it does help!")
--a lip gloss and tube of mascara ("because Papa agrees with me that if you're old enough to have your period, you'll be old enough to wear (a little) make-up")
--a photo of me pregnant with her ("because having you in my life is infinitely worth the sometimes messiness of having my period!")

 (I called it her "pre-menstrual pack" and joked that that was the preferable alternative to calling it her "puberty pack" as she HATES that word!)

Anyway, it was a really special time, and ended with a sense of positive anticipation. (The whole "you'll get to start wearing makeup" thing certainly helped).  I am so grateful for the prompt to have that time with her.

Hooray for our growing girls!



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