
Easter was on April 16th. Today is May 11th. 

We just got around to digging up the Alleluia ribbons that we had buried on Ash Wednesday.  In some traditions, the word "alleluia" is not used during Lent, but then the word is brought back on Easter with great celebration throughout the service with shouts of praise and with songs.   
These ribbons that we stick in a bag and bury underground during Lent serve as a tangible picture of that.  

The thing is that this year, we just forgot to get them on Easter and then we kept putting it off. On one day that I remembered, it was raining hard and we did not want to make a mess with the mud. Another time I remembered, but it was getting too dark. 
So, finally today, we got out the shovel and freed them from their time underground. 

According to the church calendar, Easter is a season (like Advent or Lent) that lasts 50 days. So, it's still Easter and we can keep on celebrating the resurrection. 
That's definitely worth shouting "Alleluia!" 


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