Be joyful though you have considered all the facts

Wendell Berry writes, "Be joyful though you have considered all the factsin his poem Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front.  This is my mantra for celebrations--especially in 2020.  Here are photos of  more ways we celebrated our 18 year old... 

deck the halls... 

Amazing Sarah dropped by with doughnuts and a gift to start off her day

the kitchen was all ready for cookie dough waffles for breakfast.... 

more balloons this morning with more pictures as a surprise- because why not? 

hard at work... 

Hope came by with her puppy Juke to drop off cookies for the birthday girl 

Taylor's snapchat for Anna today :) 

the day just keeps getting better! flowers from Eva and Tamara 

sidewalk chalk as a surprise from Ellie Chapman 




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