Epiphany 2021

Epiphany 2021 
On January 6 we celebrate Epiphany, a day where we celebrate the arrival of the three Wise Men who traveled to see the Christ child in Bethlehem. During the season of Epiphany, we celebrate the various manifestations, or "epiphanies," of Jesus' divinity. It is a time to reflect on the many ways that God’s Love and Light, born into the world at Christmas, continues to manifest in our lives—in both the ordinary moments and the extraordinary moments.  - Epiphany booklet and liturgy from St. Augustine's Church in Nashville 

O God Among Us, Might we trust in you as we learn to walk in the dark. Might we step out in faith and follow stars. Might we use our gifts to love you and serve our community. Might we embrace the journey and travel in love. Amen.
- Epiphany booklet and liturgy from St. Augustine's Church in Nashville 

“We’re all Magi, visitors bearing gifts to other people’s homes, and we’re all the Holy Family who received the visitors. The chalk reminds us of that. It’s a reminder that this is a home of refuge, it’s a home of love, and it’s a home of Christ for you to come into. And, it’s not only for the guests who come into our homes; it’s a reminder to us when we come home that we have a home, that we have a refuge.” https://www.episcopalnewsservice.org/2020/01/06/for-an-epiphany-blessing-chalk-the-door-with-holy-graffiti/

"O God of Stars and Journeys, we ask your blessing on this threshold. May all whose journeys lead them through these doors be blessed with health, generosity of spirit, a joyful heart, and deep peace. O God of Welcome, may all who enter this doorway rejoice to find Christ living among us, and may we seek and serve, in everyone we meet, that same Jesus who is the incarnate Word, now and forever. Amen" 

"Today, in the rhythm of the church year, we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany—that is, the manifestation of God in earthly form. Taking its themes from the journey of the Magi, foreign astrologers who undertook a journey of discovery prompted by the rising of a mysterious star, Epiphany reminds us that God’s presence shines in unexpected places and in unexpected ways among ordinary people in ordinary settings. The fact that Mary and Joseph were an ordinary young couple making the best of a tough situation, reminds us that the light of God’s presence can shine in the midst of our own dark nights. The fact that ordinary shepherds were among the first witnesses of the greatest story ever told, encourages us to be awake and alert to the good news of Christ’s presence in the wilderness places of our own lives. The fact that the Magi were Gentiles—foreigners!—reminds us that even though Jesus was the King of the Jews, he was born as a Savior for all humankind, not just those who were specially chosen. Their presence at the manger represents Christ as Light to the whole world! And the fact that so much of what took place in the Christmas story was guided through dreams and unusual signs in the sky reminds us that God reveals God’s self to us in mysterious ways, and we’d best be paying attention!" -Ruth Haley Barton https://transformingcenter.org/2021/01/epiphany-a-season-of-revelation/


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